Hello! This site was made to be a hub of sorts between all of the platforms I'm on as well as a place to truly express myself and my interests, as well as showcase my art and projects! This site is still being worked on, but feel free to makes yourself at home and explore what this page has to offer!
I've always had a desire to make a personal site for me and my interests. Social media accounts are nice and all but they don't go as far for personal creative expression as custom websites do, you know?
Hey!! It's been a while!!
Yeah sorry for the lack of updates for over a month I was extremely busy with school and artfight, but now that both are over for now I can dedicate more time for finishing this site and other personal projects of mine!! which you can now see in the Gamedev Blog!!
If you've been sticking around I hope your excited because one day the dreaded oc wiki page might be closer than you would think!!